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Entries in Dawn Wilson (108)


2016 - An Opportunity to "RESET"

As we enter another year in just a few days, I (Dawn) am thankful for a fresh opportunity to reset my priorities and goals. In fact, "reset" is my focus word for 2016, and the topic of this New Year's UPGRADE.

We reset diamonds, reset odometers, reset alarm clocks, but—praise the Lord—we can also reset our lives.

To reset is to "set again" or to "set differently." I'm going to do both.

In 2015, I turned 65. I'm well into the "I want to finish well" stage of life. Whether the Lord gives me 30+ more years or fewer, I want to honor and serve Him with all my heart.

"Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21). "Good and faithful servant" isn't just something I want to hear someday. It's what I want to practice being now.

This past summer, I lamented my advancing age and wondered if God could use me in the coming years. I basically wimped out, weeping, and two Christian women, Anita and Yvonne, had to "prop me up" again with truth from God's Word.

But I couldn't sleep that night. And in the middle of the night, the thoughts that came—could they have been from the Lord?—became my marching orders for the next "however many" years.

At the end of next month (Jan. 21, 26 and 28), I'll be writing more about the three fresh goals I believe God gave me for finishing well, but for now, I just want to list them because they are a huge part of my "reset":

1. Take Courage.

2. Build Strength.

3. Embrace Freedom.

I believe I need a major "reset" in all three of those areas, and I'm going to study these topics all through 2016 in Bible study, scripture memory, prayer and meditation.

But don't get me wrong. It's not about better self-effort!

I'm very aware that no lasting "reset" can happen without God working in and through my life. It's all about Him and what He wants to do ... or not do.

He may hijack my plans and send me in directions I can't imagine right now ... and that's fine with me too, because He's in charge and I trust Him. And I just need to be ready to move forward with Him.

The verse I've chosen for 2016 is Isaiah 43:19:

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (ESV) (*See my note at the end.)

Yes indeed. We may experience dry seasons, but God gives us many fresh opportunities to reset our lives.

Think about it:

  • Some embrace New Year's resolutions as a way to jumpstart the year.
  • Some evaluate the year just past and make new goals.
  • Some, like me, choose a word for focus and change.
  • When you think about it, every Sunday is an opportunity to reset as we come together around God's Word and then listen and apply.
  • Even better, every morning—as we consider God's faithfulness to us—we can rejoice in a new day to repent of sins and reset our commitment to faith and obedience to God.

The truth is, the Father and the Holy Spirit are working within all of God's children at every moment to make the biggest reset of all: 

For many years, I've thanked God for the wonder of His grace in giving me the desire and ability to cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He changes my mind and heart. It's been exciting to see God at work.

Are you grateful too?

Thank God for each reset opportunity!

What is God asking you to "reset" this year?

* [Note regarding Isaiah 43:19 - While the context of this verse is the prophecy of God (Israel's only Savior, vv. 11, 15) planning to deliver His people from Babylon, it speaks to me in a powerful way too. It reminds me our Creator God is always doing "new things" in our lives so we can honor and serve Him even better as we are enabled by the Holy Spirit. We simply need to be alert and ready to obey Him!]

Dawn Wilson, founder and president of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God (with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry (NEWIM). Dawn is the co-author of a devotional, LOL with God, and contributed "The Blessing Basket" in It's a God Thing. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe. 

Graphic Adapted: Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at


Christmas Wrap Up: Two Families

When I saw this sign, I thought, this is true on two accounts.

First, today (Christmas) is a wonderful opportunity for family members to "get all wrapped up" with one another. For some families, that is easy. For others, it's tough.

Some families exude the kind of love and kindness that are the hallmark of this "hap-happiest day of the year."

I am so grateful for my own family members who selflessly care and pray for each other. They don't hold grudges. They respond rather than react. It is a joy to spend time with them ... and not only during the holidays!

Other families have to wade through the drama of past hurts and present bitterness. Times of joy together seems so impossible, such a sad struggle. Sad to say, I even see this in some Christian families who have never learned the power of forgiveness.

I encourage those who struggle with relationships not to give up! Figure out how to reach out ... and keep reaching out ... until those relationships are rekindled or restored. It truly would be the best Christmas present you could give one another.

A one-day holiday may not be enough time to accomplish this great task, but it is so worthwhile to make the choice to love. (A helpful resource is the book Choosing Forgiveness by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.)

But second, I'm also thinking today of the family of God.

I'm thinking that the the best—or at least, one of the best—gifts God gave to His children (Christ-followers) is a "family all wrapped up with one another."

I thank God today for my Christian family members. I am grateful for their encouragement. Their prayers. Their wisdom. Their counsel. Their love. And so much more.

It is because Christ came that we have this forever family.

And because of Him, we'll have an eternity to grow in our relationships together.

But even now, we can learn to model the character of God in our relationships.

There is great insight for relationship-building in Ephesians 5:1-21:

  • We can learn to walk in love (5:1-2), just as Christ has loved us (John 13:34-35).
  • We can learn to walk as children of light (5:8-10) in all that is good, and right and true (Philippians 2:15; 1 John 1:7).
  • We can learn to walk in wisdom (5:15-17), using discernment (Proverbs 2:6; James 1:5, 3:13, 17).
  • We can learn to walk in the Spirit (5:18), filled with the fruit of that relationship (Galatians 5:22-23).
  • We can learn to walk in gratitude (5:19-20) with a joyful, worshipful heart (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Colossians 2:6-7; 3:17).
  • We can learn to walk in humility (5:21), submitting to one another (Philippians 2:3-4).

In other words, we can make much of this marvelous gift God has given us — a family in Christ!

Merry Christmas to my Brothers and Sisters in the Family of God!

Are you part of God's in Christ forever family? If not, here is how you can become a Christ-follower.

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God (with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry (NEWIM San Diego) and is a contracted researcher for Revive Our Hearts. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.



Don't Let It Be 'Just Another Christmas'

In this Christmas UPGRADE, Dawn Wilson asks us to pause to be sure we're thinking straight.

Another Christmas. Another opportunity to remember the birth of Christ and why He came.

We don't want it to be "just another Christmas."

And we don't want to jumble it up in our minds with other beautiful-but-lesser things.

Some time ago, Stephen Colbert joked about the mish-mash of Christmas hoopla in his wacky, "Just Another Christmas Song." Although he wrote it to make money and "help the Colbert Children eat," for me, the song also describes the confusion surrounding the holiday. As Colbert sang, "The manger's on fire, the holly's aglow; Hear the baby Jesus cryin' 'Ho, Ho, Ho'."

No, no, NO!

Christmas is a sweet time of blessing with families. Christmas is joy and feasting and all the holiday trimmings. But Christmas—at least as it's been celebrated for many years by Christians in the United States—is supposed to center on Christ.

Let's not confuse Santa with the One who created and sustains all things and holds them together! (Hebrews 1:3a; Colossians 1:16-17).

Jesus came, doing the will of His Father (John 6:38), which included many things:

There are many other reasons why Jesus came, and as we think about the love and grace of God toward us, we can celebrate His coming with fresh enthusiasm each year!

Let's not let the beauty and truth of Christmas get tossed away and forgotten like torn and discarded wrapping paper. 

In the joy of the celebrating with loved ones, let's take plenty of pauses in our busy holiday to thank God for the Amazing Grace of Christmas!

How will you insure that this isn't "just another Christmas" this year? Maybe you would like to join me in singing this Hillsong version of "O Come Let Us Adore Him."

Yes, Lord, we greet Thee, Born this happy morning.

Jesus, to Thee be all Glory giv'n.

Word of the Father, Now in flesh appearing. ...

O come, let us adore Him—Christ, the Lord. 

 Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices Today, LOL with God (with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego). Dawn is the co-author of LOL with God and contributed "The Blessing Basket" in It's a God Thing. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons,


Christmas Ministry That Makes Jesus Smile: Part 2

Yesterday, Dawn Wilson shared six creative ways to make Jesus smile as we think about Christmas ministry and outreach. In Part 2, here are four more ways to think outside the gift-wrapped box.

7. Share gift coupons.

Many fast food restaurants have inexpensive books of coupons. These can be purchased in bulk and kept in the car's glove compartment to share with the homeless or others in need. Clip them to a Christmas tract or New Testament.

Some beauty salons and barber shops offer coupons for free haircuts for the needy. What other kinds of gift coupons can you find to purchase and share?

8. Prepare Ziploc® Gift Bags ... or Purses.

The Bible tells us to be wise and prepared, not foolish and lazy (Proverbs 6:6-8).

When we are prepared to minister, God will give us opportunities.

Store some gift bags in your car for the homeless. Things that will be helpful to them to take care of themselves (new toothbrush and toothpaste, hand sanitizer, etc.). Add a couple of food bars and a tract or New Testament.

One variation on this is to purchase used-but-good purses at thrift stores and use them to store helpful items in your car trunk. (Since these are for women, add sanitary supplies.

I once had a young mom in a parking lot beg me (with tears) for sanitary supplies. We chatted as I walked her into the store to buy a good supply of them and was shocked when she told me she was using old ripped-up clothing she found in a dumpster!)

9. Relieve Some Christmas Fatigue.

Be alert to ways you can ease some stress in Jesus' name.

Offer a night or two of free childcare to a weary single mom so she can go Christmas shopping ... or just take a nap! Take a young mom or low-income widow (or widower) a ready-to-cook meal or two for their freezer. 

If you can afford it, ladies, give your pastor's wife or another church staff member's wife a visit to a spa! Christmastime can be super stressful on minister's wives. (If you can really afford it - go with her! You may need some relief too!)

Think about how God has comforted you in stresses and hurting times, and consider how you can extend the same kind of comfort to others (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

10. Offer your expertise.

Use what you know!

  • If you are a hairdresser, consider offering free haircuts to the homeless or the needy.
  • Handymen can offer one hour of "fixing" things around the house to widows at their church.
  • An auto mechanic might tweak someone's car.
  • An organizer could help a "messie" get organized for the holidays.

Opportunities are directly linked to your God-given gifts, and your learned skills or expertise.

Consider this question: "What is in your hand?"

It's a question God challenged me with one Christmas season: "What's in your hand, Dawn? What is right in front of you that you can use for My glory?" It's a question God asked Moses (Exodus 4:2) to get him to notice what the Lord might use to perform miracles!

For Moses, it was his simple, everyday shepherd's staff. For me, it was my pen and computer. As a writer, I ended up helping a (writing-challenged) Christian friend write her Christmas newsletter that year. And a couple of times, I've helped a friend by researching a topic for a biblical presentation to use at her Christmas tea.

Whatever God has blessed you with, consider how He might want you to use it to bless others during the holiday.

What is in your hand?

Do you have other ideas for Christmas ministry that would make Jesus smile?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices TodayLOL with God(with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego). Dawn is the co-author of LOL with God and contributed "The Blessing Basket" in It's a God Thing. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, image courtesy of tiverylucky at


Christmas Ministry That Makes Jesus Smile: Part 1

In this Christmas UPGRADE, Dawn Wilson helps us think of creative ways to make Jesus smile as we think about Christmas ministry and outreach.

In essence, we want to think of ways to be the heart, hands and feet of the Lord during the holiday season. There is no doubt God cares about the poor and needy and Christ-followers should care and help them too!

Operation Christmas Child (with Samaritan's Purse) and Angel Tree Christmas (with Prison Fellowship) are two familiar, popular ministry outreaches during the Christmas season.

World Help offers an entire catalog of ideas for offering practical support (internationally) as a way to touch people with the love of Jesus. I highly recommend this outreach.

Beyond these, there are many local ministry opportunities to consider during this time of year.  

Here are just ten other ways to think outside the "gift-wrapped" box!

1. Set up a Gift Wrap Station.

Get creative to think of ways to raise funds for your favorite ministry.

For example, some department stores are willing to allow you to set up a free Christmas gift-wrapping station. Schedule ahead of time, ask stores to donate the wrapping paper, and then accept donations to benefit a local charity or international ministry (again, like one I trust, World Help!).

I know one child who baked cookies (accepting financial donations) in her neighborhood ... and a seamstress who gave her time and expertise in an announced "mending" day (again, for donations).

2. Deliver trees to low-income families.

Some Christmas tree lot owners are willing to give trees away a few days before Christmas if they know they will go to needy homes. Use pick-up trucks and get some tree stands, and deliver these free trees to the financially-stretched ... maybe to a poor, single-parent family. Add a note or Christmas card, or even a special Christmas tract or booklet.

You might also add some decorations. (Buy nice ones from Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or Amvets to help their organizations.) As a bonus, offer to pick the trees up after Christmas for disposal.

3. Participate in your church's food drive.

My church collects food for the hungry all year long, and there is a big push for food during the holidays.

Consider giving canned vegetables, beans and fruit, canned soup, canned tuna or chicken, rice or dried beans, boxes of cereal or crackers, peanut butter and jelly. Be sure they do not have expired dates!

4. Make a "from Jesus" Christmas Basket.

Fill a big decorated basket with Christmas dinner for a needy neighbor or friend. Include cans or boxes of food to prepare and cookies. (If you're certain it won't be spent on alcohol or cigarettes, add a gift card for your local grocery store so they can buy fresh meat and produce.)

Let them know the basket is "from a frend, in Jesus' name" (Colossians 3:17). Include a tract or booklet (see suggestion #2).

5. Send Christmas Cards to the "Forgotten."

We're to remember the poor (Deuteronomy 15:11b; Proverbs 31:20; Galatians 2:10) and those mistreated or imprisoned (Hebrews 13:3) all year long.

As part of our remembering, we might send Christmas cards to prisoners, the military overseas, Vets in hospitals, orphans, children's wards in hospitals, or people in nursing homes.

(Contact organizations for suggestions, or do this through your women's group or Sunday school. Prison chaplains are especially eager to lift inmates' spirits at Christmas-time.)

6. Contact a Missionary - Fill a Need.

It's not always a cash gift missionaries need. Ask them!

For example, one missionary who visited my church needed measuring cups, measuring spoons and tea towels to give away in a "cake ministry" the Lord has given her in Africa. She helps women in impoverished areas learn how to make simple cakes (a special recipe she created) and then gives them the tools they need but can't afford to buy. Our Sunday school class collected a bunch of these items for her ministry.

My husband and I once sent taco seasoning packets to a foreign missionary couple. They were craving tacos and had meat, vegetables, cheese and flat tortillas, but couldn't get the right seasoning where they were serving.

One ministry needed blank journals for an outreach. Another wanted "pillow case" dresses for little girls. Another, shoes for children. Another, socks and blankets for the homeless.

(NOTE: Remember to add in the cost for shipping to the missionaries.)

Part two of this post continues tomorrow.

Meanwhile, be thinking: What are YOU doing this Christmas to minister in ways that would make Jesus smile?

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is the creator of three blogs: Heart Choices TodayLOL with God(with Pam Farrel), and Upgrade with Dawn. She is the Director of the San Diego chapter of Network of Evangelical Women in MInistry (NEWIM San Diego). Dawn is the co-author of LOL with God and contributed "The Blessing Basket" in It's a God Thing. She and her husband Bob have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.

Graphic adapted, image courtesy of tiverylucky at