Plant What You Want to Grow
In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, Dawn encourages us to be more intentional about what we "plant" into others' lives.
I have heard the scripture, Galatians 6:7-8 for years. I know it refers to being careful not to "sow" to our sinful flesh (which is destructive), but to instead plant to please the Holy Spirit, because from the Spirit we will reap eternal life and spiritual growth.
But the Lord spoke to me about another application.
What we plant in the lives of others—whether in person, on the phone, in writing or even on social media—can make a difference in their lives.
- If we plant joy, we will likely see a joyful response. If we constantly sow misery—bad news, bad reports, a negative perspective—how can we expect a harvest of joy?
- What would happen if we planted seeds of faith, instead of constantly dwelling on the negative or propagating fears?
- Do we cultivate peace, or do we let the weeds of worry take over?
- When we plant gratitude, this honors God. But grumbling? The story of the Israelites should inform us about that! (Exodus 15:24; 16:2; Psalm 106:7, 13, 25)
We plant into lives through our words, attitudes and actions.
- Could you have planted a little differently—with more wisdom and compassion?
- How did they respond? Does that give you an indication about what you've sown?
- Have any regrets?
- Do you need to contact someone, do some "weeding" and purposefully plant something better?
- Do you tell yourself or believe lies?
- Do you downgrade the gifts God has given you?
- Do you constantly judge yourself when God has already forgiven you?
- How is what you are saying to yourself affecting your behavior?
- Are the thoughts you plant encouraging growth ... or defeating you?
And the best news of all...
The Lord can help us learn to plant what we want to grow.
I wasn't kidding:
Think about today. What have you planted already? Need to do any relational weeding? What do you need to sow going forward?
Reader Comments (1)
Great visual of reaping what we sow!