A New Year's Resolution Makeover
Nali Hilderman is a smart, successful college professor, but she knows how to make truth practical. In this New Year's UPGRADE, she points us to seek God and allow scripture to speak to our hearts.
"As we turn our thoughts from the outgoing year and focus on the new," Nali says, "I propose we have a makeover in any resolutions we make for the New Year."
Nali's suggestion intrigues me (Dawn), because I've made many resolutions over my lifetime, and so few of them lasted. Maybe a "makeover" is exactly what I need.
Nali continues . . .
As women most of us tend to enjoy the idea of a makeover. Be it a make-up facial, a weight-loss plan, or someone cleaning or organizing our house, we love the idea of a new, fresh perspective on something ordinary.
I don’t know where the tradition of New Year’s resolutions began, but it seems that most of the time they tend to focus on us and what we want out of life.
I do not necessarily think that is a bad thing, but as believers, we don’t live life solely for ourselves— WE live life for the Lord!
What if, this year, you turn your focus to Christ and ask Him for His resolutions for your life instead of your own resolutions!
I have been doing this for about five years now and it’s been amazing to see how each year has had a God-ordained theme to it.
For 2016, the word that kept coming to my heart and mind in prayer was “rest.” For the first several months, I assumed that it meant I needed to rest physically and emotionally from a very busy and fulfilling job as a professor.
Yet, as the months of the year progressed and God walked me through some painful personal and family issues, I realized His notion of rest was much deeper than I thought. Over the past several months, I was invited into a deep, soul-level rest of the knowledge of who Christ has made me to be and to find my identity in Him.
This theme has challenged and guided me as I’ve navigated things this year. I know I am different now for it, and am grateful to see His hand at work.
I am excited for YOU to try this New Year’s Resolution plan. Here are a couple of simple suggestions on how to do this:
1. Remember God as your "Ebenezer."
In the Old Testament, God was Israel’s Ebenezer. Ebenezer means "stone of help."
God commanded the leaders of Israel, through Samuel, to set up memorial stones in public places to commemorate how God had provided for and rescued the children of Israel (see 1 Samuel 7, especially verse 12).
Take time to think about and write down how God provided for and blessed you LAST year.
A joyful and grateful heart for God’s blessings in 2016 will go a long way towards seeing Him as protector and provider in the New Year.
2. Make time for a Retreat and ask the Lord for goals for the New Year.
This does not have to be a “long” retreat; even just a few hours of concentrated time will suffice. But think through and ask what things the Lord might have for you in the coming months and year.
Ask if there are any passages of Scripture that might serve as a guide. This can provide a clear vision for how you are to invest your time, finances, resources and energy—and is usually far more exciting than “spend two hours at the gym every day”!
You can do this for yourself personally, but you might also want to try doing this with your spouse and/or children. One year, my friend and her family decided they were going to focus on "being generous." That was their focus word for the year. So they set aside a part of their earnings each month and looked for people that God wanted them to provide for.
Note: if you need further help on how to do this check out a simple book called One Word. It teaches how just one word can impact you.
3. Enjoy the New Year!
The best part about the New Year is that is a chance to restart, refresh and realign.
Taking time to examine your life can be an exciting thing, especially if you walk into the new season with a renewed sense of purpose from the Lord. God is at work in you, my friends!
"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10, ESV).
The Lord has work for you to do—exciting work, faith-building work, challenging work, difficult work.
Will you make a goal to remember Him as He worked in 2016, and join in asking Him to guide you purposefully in 2017?
Nali Hilderman is a professor of American history at San Diego Christian College and Director of the college’s Dr. Henry Morris Leadership Program. She studies women’s history and Christian theology, trying to make sense of how to be a confident, successful Christian woman who does not buy into the secular feminist mentality. She attends Journey Community Church in La Mesa, CA.