Rethinking Single Leadership
A strong woman of purpose, Nali Hilderman encourages women—both by her teaching and in her life example—to embrace Christian leadership at all ages and stages of life. She knows this is difficult for some single women.
“If you’re feeling unimportant in your singleness,” Nali said, “I’d like to challenge you with a biblical perspective.”
When I (Dawn) was a young single woman, a Christian ministry offered me strong reasons to see my singleness as a gift from God. I'm so glad Nali is addressing that in this Leadership UPGRADE.
Nali continues . . .
While there are many examples in the Bible of women that God used—some married, some single—we should focus on obedience to Him in whatever stage of life we find ourselves.
Nowhere does the Bible indicate that your ability to make a difference for Christ and His Kingdom is dependent on your marital status.
However, I know sometimes it can feel like you’re overlooked and unimportant in the Church if you don’t have a husband and family.
Here are three reasons you really do matter in the Kingdom of God.
1. Rethink Leadership.
We often tend to think that leadership is about position, personality or platform, which includes certain “requirements” you may feel you don’t have as a single woman.
The reality is, leadership is mainly about the ability to influence others, serve them and—in Christian leadership—point them towards Christ.
These things you can do successfully, regardless of whether you’re married or not.
“Leadership is being alive with truth and love in your sphere of influence.”
That is something anyone can do!
Focus on those God has placed in your path, and work on serving and loving them. This is the most powerful form of influence.
2. Examine and Use your Spiritual Gifts.
Just as there is nothing in Scripture that indicates the gifts of the Holy Spirit are either “male/female,” so there is no designation that some gifts are given to married people and some are for singles.
Because of this, take time to find out what your gifts are and set about using them for the edification of the Church (1 Corinthians 12:7).
You can take free online tests to find out which gifts are your strengths.*
Also, spend time studying 1 Corinthians 12 to learn what the gifts are, what their purpose is, and how each gift is important in the body of Christ.
3. Steward Your Time.
I know this sounds cliché, but as singles we often have more time on our hands than our married friends. Paul is speaking truth when he says married people are concerned with the affairs of their spouse and needs of their children, while single people are “concerned about the Lord’s affairs” (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).
I know it’s easy to spend time focusing on what we don’t have, but ask yourself, “Am I being a wise steward of the time I have now? Am I serving the Lord—using my gifts to edify the Body of Christ?”
You have the ability to make a significant impact on others during your singleness.
These are three important ideas regardless of what season you find yourself in, but they are especially challenging if you are single and feeling like you cannot have an impact for Christ.
You do matter in the Kingdom of God!
If you are single, which of these three points is hardest for you? What can you do to increase your effectiveness for the Kingdom of God?
Nali Hilderman is a professor of American history at San Diego Christian College, and Director of the college’s Dr. Henry Morris Leadership Program. She studies women’s history and Christian theology. Always seeking how to become a confident, successful Christian woman, she does not buy into the secular feminist mentality. Nali attends Journey Community Church in La Mesa, CA.
* Two free Spiritual Gifts tests are here and here.
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