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Entries in Struggles (17)


Find the Joy in Your Struggle

In this Trials UPLIFT, Dawn Wilson reminds us to seek the wonder of joy in the midst of life's struggles.After a lab report with discouraging news, I struggled.

The "numbers" were slow to get me back into remission. The Multiple Myeloma cells weren't being ramped down quickly enough.

I fought back tears and stuffed my emotions as I had sat down for yet another chemo infusion.

Later, I wrote a friend that during those hours the enemy popped ugly lies into my thoughts:

  • "You're going to die!"
  • "What's the use?"

But then suddenly, the Spirit of God popped beautiful truth into my thoughts:

  • "Your life is in God's hands, and He is sovereign, loving and good."
  • "Trust Him and keep moving forward in faith and joy."

I read these words by J. R. Miller:

"There is something very strange in the tendency which seems so common in human lives, to hide the joy and tell the misery."

I thought about that and agreed.

There's nothing wrong with telling people what's going on in our lives. That's realism, and it is healthy for authenticity and accountability.

But to dwell on the misery (the trial or tough circumstance) and "hide the joy"—yes, that's a problem.

Maybe it's not so much "hiding" the joy as it is not being diligent to express it when we discover it's there, present with us.

In the midst of our suffering, God still spreads the wonder of joy in our lives because of who He is and what He is doing in and through us.

I remember that Elisabeth Elliot said, "Suffering is the gateway to joy." I agree.

In our deepest trials, God teaches us deeper lessons. That's always a good thing—always a reason for joy.

Trusting the Lord during these times, we come to know Him in new ways. We relax into His sovereignty and grow in our graitude for His faithful love.

We may need to be diligent in discovering the wonder of joy before we can be diligent in expressing it.

Joy can be a subtle thing.

Sometimes joy isn't an overflow of emotions. It's more often a subtle, quiet presence—the joy of the Lord deep down in our heart.

Jesus, preaching to the crowds on a mountain, said something they might have thought odd.

How happy are those who know what sorrow means for they will be given courage and comfort! ... Happy are those who have suffered ... Be glad then, yes, be tremendously glad—for your reward in Heaven is magnificent (Matthew 5:3-12, J.B. Phillips NT).

Sorrowful, but glad?

The context of Jesus' message was a wide range of sorrows—eveything from being poor, hungry, and thirsty to being persecuted for the cause of the Kingdom. But the principle remains: When you suffer, be glad.

Be glad!

I've found I'm truly glad in my struggles when I remember there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of this fallen world, and the kingdom of God.

  • In this world, this earthly kingdom, suffering might seem broken, twisted, evil, random, and without purpose.
  • But suffering, when viewed from the perspective of God's kingdom, is full of purpose.

In The Message Bible, Matthew 5:4 reads:

You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

The One who puts my tears in His bottle cares what's going on in my struggles. And though suffering may linger, He never leaves me, and it is in His presence I find great joy (Psalm 16:11). He becomes more and more dear to me.

Circumstances may not change, but the Lord is always faithful. I always want to be intentional about expressing my joy in Him.

Are you struggling with something today? Ask the Lord to give you His joy in the midst of it all.

Dawn Wilson, founder and President of Heart Choices Today, is a speaker and author, and the creator the blog, Upgrade with Dawn. She is a contracted researcher/reviewer for women's teacher and revivalist, Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth at Revive Our Hearts, and is a regular columnist at She and her husband Bob live in sunny Southern California, and Dawn has traveled with Him in Pacesetter Global Outreach. They have two grown, married sons, three granddaughters and a rascally maltipoo, Roscoe.


When You Face a Problem, Follow Mary's Example

Debbie W. Wilson is one of two women I know who says so much in few words. In this Faith and Obedience UPGRADE, she points to a woman in the Bible who was a perfect example of how we can face everyday problems or problems that seem incredibly daunting.

Debbie says, "What do you do when you come up against an unexpected or impossible problem? Try to fix it, panic, or call for help? Mary, the mother of Jesus, models how I want to act."

When problems come, I (Dawn) tend to be a "fixer." I say, "I can handle this."

But how many times, I wonder, might Jesus have handled it differently? How many times have I short-circuited what He wanted to do in a situation. He still works, but do I get the glory, or Him? Debbie challenges our perspective.

Debbie continues . . .

At the beginning of His public ministry at age thirty, Jesus attended a wedding at Cana. Mary must have been helping at the wedding. When the wine ran out, she brought the problem to Jesus. You can read the account here: John 2:1-11.

Mary said to Jesus, “They have no more wine.”

That’s it.

No pleading, no explanation of how embarrassing or urgent this was, no pointing out how this might foster faith in His disciples. Just, “They have no more wine.”

To the servants she said, “Do whatever He tells you.”

Jesus told them to fill the ceremonial washing jars with water. They filled six 20-30-gallon jars to the brim.

“Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet,” He said.

I smile when I read this.

Did the servant hold his breath when the host tasted the water?

I picture his eyes sparking with relief when the master proclaimed, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”

Personal Applications

1. Tell Jesus the problem—not the solution.

When I bring my problems to God, I often suggest ways to solve them.

There is nothing wrong with asking. But did you notice, Mary didn’t tell Jesus how to fix the problem? How could she?

Jesus did something that defied imagination. 

When I focus on how I think He should act, I miss the work He is doing.

2. Follow His instructions and leave the results with Him. 

Mary didn’t supervise Jesus’ actions. She told the servants to do what He said.

I’m sure His directions didn’t make sense to them. Because they obeyed, they experienced a miracle.

Trust Jesus with My Problem

Mary knew Jesus’ compassion. She trusted His love, wisdom, and ability.

  • Perhaps Jesus had miraculously multiplied food for His family in the meager years after Joseph died.
  • Satan knew Jesus could turn a stone into bread (Matthew 4:3).

After Mary told Jesus about the need, she left the problem in His capable hands.

If Mary didn’t feel a need to tell her son how to solve the problem, why do I think I need to come up with the solution for my Lord? I only need to trust and obey Him.

I can’t see His spiritual power at work anymore than I can see the wind.

But when I trust Him, I witness the result.

How can you apply Mary’s example to a problem you’re facing?

Debbie W. Wilson, drawing from her walk with Christ and decades as a Christian counselor and Bible teacher, mixes insight and encouragement to inspire readers to trust Christ with their lives. Her books include Little Faith, Big God, Give Yourself a Break, and Little Women, Big God. She and her husband Larry founded and run Lighthouse Ministries, a nonprofit biblical counseling, coaching, and Bible study ministry. Find free resources to refresh your faith at

Photo of Stone Water Jars from Land of Israel Tours.


Consider 'IT' All Joy!

When I think of Kolleen Lucariello, I think of the word "joy," so I'm delighted she wrote about it in this Joy UPGRADE, a fresh approach to a verse many Christians need to examine more closely.“Count it all Joy. The words came as a whisper and dropped straight into my heart early one morning as I sat conversing with the Lord,” Kolleen says.

“Well, to be fair, the conversation was more like a complaint session; asking for His intervention for many I know in difficult circumstances.”

I (Dawn) experienced such relief in my spirit as I read Kolleen's article. It gave me a new appreciation for what God is doing in my circumstances.

Kolleen continues . . . 

As I pressed on in prayer, the words whispered again … count it all joy.

I paused to ponder and then noticed there seemed to be an emphasis on the word "it"almost as if the word had been highlighted and appeared to me as: count IT all joy.

Okay, Lord. You have my attention. It? What exactly are you trying to tell me?

You want me to count the “it” as joy?

I began to review my list:

  • COVID-19,
  • Cancer,
  • Hospitalizations,
  • Despair,
  • Disruption, and
  • Political division and unrest.

I prayed for those suffering from chronic illness, depression, a marriage crisis, financial struggles and great loneliness. The list was long and intense.

“Lord, what if there are too many 'its' to count? It feels insensitive, not to mention nearly impossible to ask for a painful circumstance to be counted as joy.” 


Instantly, that thought flipped right around in my thinking with a reminder that there was a time when:

Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible" (Matthew 19:26, NLT).

If God says it is possible, then HOW?

James wrote, Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace] (James 1:2-3 AMP).

In other words:

  • “It” is the [name of your trial].
  • “It” has a purpose.
  • "It" is a test—a test TO our faith that produces endurance IN our faith.

The word "testing" comes from the Greek dokimion and is “that by which something is tried or proved” (Strongs Concordance).

Think genuine. Without anything artificial or false.

“The aim of testing is not to destroy or afflict, but to purge and refine.” (Nelson’s NKJV Study Bible)

Could we possibly view our “it” differently simply by changing our perception from, “Why are you doing this to me God?” to “Thank you, God, for this 'it' in my life. Use this trial to purge me of impurities so that my faith can grow and I may become more like Jesus.”

Allowing the testing of our faith to produce patience is what enables us to stand firm under the pressure of “it.” 

Years ago, my sister’s family called Hawaii home while her husband served in the military. We recognized this was a perfect opportunity for our family to experience Hawaii, so we went to visit.

The day we went to Nuuanu Pali State Park, the winds were so intense. They pushed against us in such a fierce way it took effort to take steps forward. We walked pressing forward in such a way that if the wind had suddenly stopped we’d surely have fallen flat on our faces!

I imagine this reflects how we must brace ourselves when we encounter intense testing of our faith.

If we are to remain standing under the pressure of “it,” then we must view the test as a tool God will use to draw us closer to Him and mature our faith.

When we recognize that out of our “it” a deeper, stronger faith was produced, we consider the “it” a joy.  

Upgrades in life happen when we determine to believe the purpose of every trial is AN OPPORTUNITY to press us closer and closer to the heart of our loving Father. 

Unpack the Opportunity

  1. Consider—This word means "regard, take into account, reflect on, or suppose."
  2. IT—Did you know“it” can be defined as a lifeless thing? How often do we allow trials to overtake us as if they had a life of their own? 
  3. Joy"Joy" is from the Greek chara meaning "the cause or occasion of joy."

Suppose you regarded the lifeless trial in your life as an occasion for joy because God used “it” to do what Peter wrote:

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:6-7, NKJV).

In my own strength, I will never believe there is joy to be found in any hardship or test.

However, my reliance on God, my trust in His care, and the overwhelming evidence that He is Sovereign and good, begs me to come to a place of gratitude for every trial that produced a greater faith. 

What is your "IT" today? Can you thank God for it, believing He is working in your life in ways you may not see right now? Can you reframe your "IT" as an opportunity to trust Him?

Kolleen Lucariello, #TheABCGirl, is the author of #beYOU: Change Your Identity One Letter at a Time and is the Co-Director of Activ8Her, Inc. She is passionate to every woman realize her identity in Christ and live accordingly. Kolleen and her hubby, Pat, make their home in Central New York. She’s the mom of three grown children and Mimi to six incredible grands. For more information about Kolleen, visit

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Timo Volz at Pixabay.


Press On in Joy

Kathy Carlton Willis is no stranger to difficult circumstances, but she emerges from them with joy. In this Spiritual Life and Joy UPGRADE, she calls us to press past the voices of circumstances or our own destructive self-talk and listen to another Voice—someone who can help us press on in joy.

“As I write this, I’m in the middle of the national pandemic lockdown,” Kathy says. “You’re reading it on the last day of the lockdown.

"I wish I had a crystal ball to write what our May looks like. We just don’t know.”

I (Dawn) don’t have a crystal ball either. All I know is we’re in this together. Kathy gives us words of encouragement as we press on.

Kathy continues . . .

It’s possible the lockdown will continue. During this time of uncertainty, what a blessing to cling to what we do know.

As Christ followers, we know:

whatever comes our way, we can grin with joy, knowing it does get better than this.

I can sit here and focus on my troubles:

  • My husband lost his job due to cutbacks in the middle of January. It was hard enough finding employment at age 58 in the good times, but now there is much more joblessness.
  • My health could be better. My chronics are flaring.
  • The stay-at-home order has everyone a bit stir crazy. Some are bored. I’m just busy, scrambling to change everything that took over a year to plan that has cancelled. Now I have days instead of months to activate a new plan.
  • I’m a caregiver to my mom. Even though she is very independent, it adds to my load having her living with us. Why? Because I give a care.

Rather than focus on my troubles, I will sit here and fix my gaze on Jesus, the author and sustainer of my joy.

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!

So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17–18 NLT).

On my Facebook page, I asked about how to have joy despite brokenness. I asked people to describe their brokenness.

One person wrote:

“Top of the list is pain. I have no hope for the future with what I'm going through. It will never get better. Just getting worse. I want my life back but that will never happen. Depressing. I try to stay positive every day, but sometimes it’s just very hard when all you do is cry. I’m in so much pain and meds do not help. I can't stop. I have responsibility to help my family.”

I responded:

"I'm sorry to hear that. When we get depressing news and live with discouraging conditions, it can be overwhelming! I couldn't possibly know the depth of what you are going through, but I do have several chronic diseases that are debilitating and progressive.

"The main reason I can still have joy isn't because I have hope that I'll get better in this life (unless there’s a miracle!). But I know in heaven I'll get rid of pain once and for all. And there will be no more tears. My hope in God gets me through some awful stuff.

"Also, I focus on what I CAN find joy in. I tell myself that my body doesn't get to dictate my perspective on how I feel. It's only one third of who I am. My spirit and soul are two thirds of who I am, so they get the majority vote. That really helps me adjust my feelings on days I'm suffering.

"I hope that encourages you a little. It stinks, what you are going through. And I'm so sorry it's happening."

We all are going through something, especially these days.

What can we do to find joy in the middle of all this?

1.  Switch focus.

Instead of looking at the problems, look to the Problem-Solver.

I will fix my gaze on Jesus!

2. Praise in advance of the breakthrough.

Worship God not because He will fix the circumstances, but because He is God.

3. Seek to serve.

When we put our attention and energy in helping others, our problems pale in comparison. And we realize even when we feel stuck, there is still something we can do to help.

One example: I’ve been leaving sound bites on Facebook Messenger to friends.

In these voice messages, I pray for them.

Encourage them.

Tell them I love them.

There’s something about hearing another person’s voice that helps us all know we’re not in this alone.

And the greatest voice of all to hear is the voice of God, through His Word and his Spirit.

What voice are you listening to today?

Kathy Carlton Willis, God’s Grin Gal, writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith, whimsy and wisdom. She coaches others to remove the training wheels of fear and not just risk, but also take pleasure in the joy ride of life. She is known for her debut book, Grin with Grace, and for her grinning Boston terrier, Hettie. Her new book, The Grin Gal’s Guide to Joy is inspiring Joy Sightings everywhere. Discover more about Kathy at

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Brightside Creative at Lightstock.


"You Is Strong!"

Kolleen Lucariello always has a story and a fresh take on Christian living. In this Spiritual Life UPGRADE, she reminds us where the source is for our strength to overcome.

“His little three-year-old arms rose for the fifth time hoping this might be the time his Mimi would surrender to his request,” Kolleen says. “With four words he was able to get what he needed because it gave her what she needed.”

I (Dawn) was so charmed by this story about Kolleen and her grandson, Nolan. She reminds us to be careful about the voice we listen to and the thoughts we think, and most of all, to respond to the One who has the power to help us.

Kolleen continues . . .

Fresh snow lay on the ground to the delight of our two Virginian grandsons who had come to spend a few days in Central New York with Papa and Mimi. 

They waited as patiently as a three- and five-year-old could, staring out the front window for their cousins to arrive. 

We’d had a fresh eight inches of snow fall the night before, adding to the already 18” on the ground; and so, feeling adventurous, I promised we’d all go outside for a walk in the woods.  

Four pair of snow pants, winter jackets, hats, gloves and boots later I sent the grands outside and then prepared myself for the cold.

Once outside, and after a few turns sledding down the stairs off the deck—it’s the best hill we have—I asked them if they were ready for our walk. With glee, the older three took off running for the woods with three-year-old Nolan trying hard to keep up in the deep snow. 

After a few steps he looked back at me and lifted his arms. “Up” he said.  

“I’m sorry buddy. Mimi isn’t strong enough to carry you with all that snow gear on.”

 A few more attempted steps and the arms went up again. “Up.”  

“I’m sorry, Buddy. Mimi isn’t strong enough to carry you. Let me grab a sled.” 

Once we had the sled, Nolan decided he’d try lying on his belly. I picked up the rope, took a step forward, and felt the weight of the sled change dramatically. 

Turning around, I discovered Nolan face down on the snow. We tried several different approaches, but his gloves were so thick it made it impossible for him to hold the handles. Every shift of the sled caused him to slide right off, either to the left, or right.

This led to numerous repetitions of his “up” and my “I’m not strong enough.”  

We hadn’t gone very far when I heard “I want to go inside.”

So did I. The adventure had been exhausting. 

I called the other grandkids and told them it was time to head back to the house. Immediately, Nolan’s arms shot up as he blurted out, “Mimi! You is strong!” 

You know what?

Instantly, Mimi became strong enough to carry the tired, frustrated little boy—snowsuit and all. 

It’s amazing how strong one can become when they collide with a voice reminding them of who they are, and believe they are able.  

I had been convinced I was not strong enough to carry him, and the belief made me unwilling to even try. Sound familiar? 

Is there a heavy load needing to be picked up, but you’re convinced it’s beyond your strength to carry?  

It’s easy to believe we are incapable when, often, the loudest voice we hear is the one shouting, “You can’t do it. You aren’t strong enough.” 

Perhaps the voice has you convinced you don’t have the strength to carry the heavy load it will take to: 

  • overcome the addiction,
  • reconcile your marriage
  • or forgive “seventy-times-seven” (Matthew 18:22).

It’s hard to restore hope to the depressed soul when the voice you listen to says you can’t.

That is not, however, the voice God intended for us to listen to. He has a different opinion of what we are able to accomplish; and while it does take effort and courage to hear, He’s the One whispering,

I believe in you because I created you with a purpose. 

We upgrade our spiritual life when we determine to apply these four “T’s.”

1) TUNE in to the right voice.

Shut off the negative I can’t voice. Become acquainted with the One that says—with Him—you can do all things (Philippians 4:13). 

2) TAKE thoughts captive.

You control your thoughts. Make them obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

3) TRUST His power within you to help carry the load.

God promised He would strengthen us, help us, and hold us up with His victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10). 

4) and TRY!

When confronted by hard circumstances remember this:

You Is Strong, and the Lord rescues! (Psalm 34:19)

What burden or struggle are you reluctant to pick up or face today? Consider these four “T’s” and move forward into victory.

Kolleen Lucariello, #TheABCGirl, is the author of the devotional book, The ABC's of Who God Says I Am; and as a speaker, she speaks into women's lives "one letter at a time." Kolleen and her high school sweetheart, Pat, reside in Central New York. She's a mother of three married children and Mimi to four incredible grandkids. For more information about Kolleen, visit her website.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Robin Higgins at Pixabay.