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Entries in Hard Circumstances (4)


Press On in Joy

Kathy Carlton Willis is no stranger to difficult circumstances, but she emerges from them with joy. In this Spiritual Life and Joy UPGRADE, she calls us to press past the voices of circumstances or our own destructive self-talk and listen to another Voice—someone who can help us press on in joy.

“As I write this, I’m in the middle of the national pandemic lockdown,” Kathy says. “You’re reading it on the last day of the lockdown.

"I wish I had a crystal ball to write what our May looks like. We just don’t know.”

I (Dawn) don’t have a crystal ball either. All I know is we’re in this together. Kathy gives us words of encouragement as we press on.

Kathy continues . . .

It’s possible the lockdown will continue. During this time of uncertainty, what a blessing to cling to what we do know.

As Christ followers, we know:

whatever comes our way, we can grin with joy, knowing it does get better than this.

I can sit here and focus on my troubles:

  • My husband lost his job due to cutbacks in the middle of January. It was hard enough finding employment at age 58 in the good times, but now there is much more joblessness.
  • My health could be better. My chronics are flaring.
  • The stay-at-home order has everyone a bit stir crazy. Some are bored. I’m just busy, scrambling to change everything that took over a year to plan that has cancelled. Now I have days instead of months to activate a new plan.
  • I’m a caregiver to my mom. Even though she is very independent, it adds to my load having her living with us. Why? Because I give a care.

Rather than focus on my troubles, I will sit here and fix my gaze on Jesus, the author and sustainer of my joy.

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!

So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever (2 Corinthians 4:17–18 NLT).

On my Facebook page, I asked about how to have joy despite brokenness. I asked people to describe their brokenness.

One person wrote:

“Top of the list is pain. I have no hope for the future with what I'm going through. It will never get better. Just getting worse. I want my life back but that will never happen. Depressing. I try to stay positive every day, but sometimes it’s just very hard when all you do is cry. I’m in so much pain and meds do not help. I can't stop. I have responsibility to help my family.”

I responded:

"I'm sorry to hear that. When we get depressing news and live with discouraging conditions, it can be overwhelming! I couldn't possibly know the depth of what you are going through, but I do have several chronic diseases that are debilitating and progressive.

"The main reason I can still have joy isn't because I have hope that I'll get better in this life (unless there’s a miracle!). But I know in heaven I'll get rid of pain once and for all. And there will be no more tears. My hope in God gets me through some awful stuff.

"Also, I focus on what I CAN find joy in. I tell myself that my body doesn't get to dictate my perspective on how I feel. It's only one third of who I am. My spirit and soul are two thirds of who I am, so they get the majority vote. That really helps me adjust my feelings on days I'm suffering.

"I hope that encourages you a little. It stinks, what you are going through. And I'm so sorry it's happening."

We all are going through something, especially these days.

What can we do to find joy in the middle of all this?

1.  Switch focus.

Instead of looking at the problems, look to the Problem-Solver.

I will fix my gaze on Jesus!

2. Praise in advance of the breakthrough.

Worship God not because He will fix the circumstances, but because He is God.

3. Seek to serve.

When we put our attention and energy in helping others, our problems pale in comparison. And we realize even when we feel stuck, there is still something we can do to help.

One example: I’ve been leaving sound bites on Facebook Messenger to friends.

In these voice messages, I pray for them.

Encourage them.

Tell them I love them.

There’s something about hearing another person’s voice that helps us all know we’re not in this alone.

And the greatest voice of all to hear is the voice of God, through His Word and his Spirit.

What voice are you listening to today?

Kathy Carlton Willis, God’s Grin Gal, writes and speaks with a balance of funny and faith, whimsy and wisdom. She coaches others to remove the training wheels of fear and not just risk, but also take pleasure in the joy ride of life. She is known for her debut book, Grin with Grace, and for her grinning Boston terrier, Hettie. Her new book, The Grin Gal’s Guide to Joy is inspiring Joy Sightings everywhere. Discover more about Kathy at

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Brightside Creative at Lightstock.


Pack a Travel Bag for 'Rough Road'

Dianne Barker's practical approach always makes me smile. In this Lifestyle UPGRADE, she encourages the wise choice to prepare now for any bumpy roads ahead.

"'Slow… rough road ahead.' A huge orange sign alerted me to upcoming danger," Diane says.

I (Dawn) never expected the rough road of terminal disease to rearrange all the elements of my life, but on that road, I also discovered God had already built into my life all I would need to face the struggle. Dianne's insight here is rock solid!

Dianne continues . . .

I saw the warning just in time to change direction and avoid the jagged route.

Life doesn’t afford us the courtesy of a caution sign.

Unexpectedly, we find ourselves on a precarious journey with no alternative course. If we’d just had advance warning!

  • That dreaded diagnosis putting everything on hold.
  • That surprise announcement the company is downsizing and we’re being let go.
  • That family situation that disrupts all relationships.

Rough Road. And sometimes a long road.

A wise driver keeps crucial supplies in the car—flashlight with extra batteries, a blanket or quilt, and water.

Have you packed a travel bag for life emergencies?

My emergency travel bag is filled with God’s Word, and I began packing it as a young mom with many needs.

Memorizing Scripture related to my needs not only changed my thinking and my habits but also gave me a dependable supply of truth to navigate rough road.

Encountering a wall of worry, I relied on 2 Chronicles 16:9 to get me through it.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him…”

Skidding across a patch of discouragement, I held firmly to Joshua 1:9.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

At a mammoth pothole of impossibility, I grasped Matthew 19:26 for stability.

“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Hovering at a ravine of hopelessness, I caught hold of Jeremiah 32:17 to steer me away from the cliff.

“Ah, Lord God! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.”

I’ve been all those places. Had it not been for truth packed in my travel bag, who knows where I would have landed?

If you’re traveling a smooth road today, use this time to pack your travel bag with truth to carry you through the bumpy places ahead.

This will get you started.

  1. God is faithful. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).
  2. He will be with me. “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
  3. Whatever he allows to touch my life will be for my good. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Continuing the journey, I don’t know what peril lies before me. But I know this:

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him’ (Lamentations 3:22-24).

What truths have you packed in your travel bag to give stability, courage, and hope when you encounter rough road?

Dianne Barker is a speaker, radio host, and author of 11 books, including the best-selling Twice Pardoned and award-winning I Don’t Chase the Garbage Truck Down the Street in My Bathrobe Anymore! Organizing for the Maximum Life. She’s a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Christian Authors Network, and Word Weavers International. Visit

Graphic Adapted, from Road Traffic Signs.


Choosing Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Julie Watson is an amazing woman. She has faced situations that could rob her of joy and peace, things that could have led to her defeat. But she is an overcomer, and in this Attitudes UPGRADE, she shares how she has found joy—and we can too.

“Decisions, decisions. Choosing joy in the midst of life’s messiness is quite the feat," Julie says, "but oh, so worth it!"

I (Dawn) have watched Julie cope with huge changes in her and her husband's life over the past few years. I can testify that she has found God faithful, and in the midst of the messiness of life, she has found God's unlimited joy.

Julie continues . . .

Ah, summer. If you’re a mom, you’ve likely just finished it. If you’re anything like me, you planned to have a great summer filled with fun activities: places to go, things to try, people to visit, etc.

And, if you’re still like me, you probably jumped for joy (to some degree) when it was over!

My HOPE is always to have the best summer, but my REALITY typically falls quite short.

I don’t know about you, but one can only take so much arguing, teasing, fighting, not listening and disobedience.

  • Behaviors get stretched to new limits when the TV and tablets are turned off because someone (or two) is grounded, and it’s too hot to go outside to play.
  • Boredom reaches new heights when Legos and Matchbox cars are the primary imagination booster to combat such yawn-inducing, brain-frying monotony.

In these instances, children often create their own “fun” which loosely translates into CHAOS for mom! And, not just any chaos, but the kind that horror stories are made of, such as: burning ants with a magnifying glass outside becomes a small brushfire (fictitious example), or a sister’s toothbrush is used as a toilet brush in a fit of assumptions, rage and revenge (a factual example from my summer).

This summer I did things differently.

Since the kids would be attending a new school, I had three whole months to work with them on the high expectations this new school has for its students.

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we worked on math (the subject everyone is scared of at my house).

Tuesdays and Thursdays, I put their imaginations to work and had them write their very own books!

Since all three of my kids LOVE to read, I thought it was time to make them the authors of their own imagination destinations. Funny enough, they really loved that idea and dove right in!

But, oh my goodness, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays just about sent me over the edge.

The frustration and tears shed are almost too hard to relive… and I’m talking about MINE!

Trying to find even moments of joy became increasingly difficult.

The longer the summer dragged on, the harder it became. I had done some wonderful studies on joy in the past, and am still in the midst of one now. So, why was I struggling so much with finding joy in this summer chaos?

Joy is a choice, plain and simple. It’s not something given, bought, earned or found.

1. We have to RECOGNIZE who the author of joy is.

That’s Jesus. By taking our place on the cross and forgiving us our horrible sins we don’t deserve forgiveness for, He created an institution of joy within our own hearts when we accept Him.

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:2-3).

(Also see Isaiah 61:10 and John 16:24.)

2. We have to CHOOSE to be thankful for everything He has done for us.

Being grateful for our abundant blessings is the fastest way to create joy in the midst of chaos.

Even being thankful for the chaos teaches us how to cling to our Lord and Savior during the most trying of times!

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

(Also see Habakkuk 3:17-18; Galatians 5:22-23; and 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18.)

3. We have to SHARE it and spread that joy with those who need it.

In my estimation, that’s pretty much everyone!

Joy spreads like wildfire when you act in love and compassion toward another.

If we could share God’s love with others and act towards them with that same love, the world would change, one person at a time.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

 (Also see Proverbs 15:23 and Romans 15:32.)

In my case, I needed to choose to be thankful for these three little lives He had placed in our home and hearts after 17 long years of waiting.

He allowed us to become parents to some pretty amazing kids who were grateful to find a home with loving parents willing to help them with their schoolwork.

But, why had I forgotten to be thankful for them this summer? 

Because I had focused too much on the temporary frustrations and didn’t choose to be grateful for my lifelong blessings!

Are you struggling with choosing joy in the midst of chaos? Is there something you’re forgetting to be grateful for that will increase your joy meter? Reach out to a sister-in-Christ to pray with you and make a better choice for yourself today.

Joy is right there for the choosing and sharing!

Julie Watson worked in women’s and children’s ministries for 10 years as a Development and Executive Director before becoming a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children. In 2016, God created a beautiful forever family when she and her husband, Shawn, were able to legally adopt the children. Julie now helps others find hope and freedom from emotional eating & unhealthy habits as a C.O.P.E. Certified Health Coach.

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Pixabay.


Strength for a Mama's Heart

Fighting pneumonia, Wendy Hamilton still wrote this UPLIFT post. She is leaning hard on God's strength, and she wants us to do the same.

"'Strength.' This word has been on echo for weeks," Wendy says. "As the holidays blurred and company came and went, 'Strength' was the word God whispered."

I (Dawn) know what Wendy means. Sometimes, weary and frazzled, strength drains from my lives. It's a good thing I know the source for new strength. As does Wendy. Though nothing may change outwardly, operating in God's strength makes our burdens seem lighter.

Wendy continues . . .

As a new school year began and our kids entered the last semester before high school, switched schools for a more personalized and creative approach to schooling or returned to college many states away, God spoke: “Strength”.

As illness seemed to invade every corner of our world affecting every friend and their families and all members of our family, God promised, “I am your Strength.”

Through those difficult times, God breathed the word “Strength” over my mama’s heart.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him (Psalm 28:7).

As projects went awry and I struggled to be me in my everyday life, God reminded me of who He is, who I am and what I am created to do as His beloved daughter.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever (Psalm 73:26).

When life doesn’t always look, feel or seem to be going in a positive way, it’s easy to believe the lies of the enemy that God has forgotten about us, doesn’t hear us or really has nothing good for us.

I know among myself and my friends I saw the weariness creep in. Our struggle was real.

It is easy in those moments to focus on the “My flesh and my heart may fail” feelings and never counter those thoughts with the greater truth that “God is the strength of our heart” and He is all that we need all the time, every time, no matter what.

Think for a moment about what is not going as planned in your life.

Where are you going through difficulty or a situation you would rather avoid or never experience at all?

1. Write out what is going on your world that weighs heavy on your heart.

2. Write beside each item, "God, you are my strength and you are all I need.”

The sum of God’s strength far outweighs all difficulties in our everyday lives.

Strength is who God is. HE IS our strength and HE IS our shield. He helps us.

Because of who He is, we can trust in Him. Our mama’s hearts can leap for joy even in the most difficult of days—days filled with anything from toddler tantrums to adolescent antics to those tight, soul-trying moments where we may believe that we don’t have all that we need.

We can praise God for the songs He gives us, especially for the songs that reveal His strength for us.
[One example is below *]

Where is God telling you that He is your strength?

Wendy Hamilton is the co-gounder of Inspired Life Ministries, a creative arts freedom ministry. She teaches writing to moms and teen girls through Inspired Moms and Inspired Teens.  She is a songwriter/writer for Valley Creek Church and serves with her husband, Mike, and their kids in a variety of ministry areas across multiple campuses within her church family. Her devotional for moms, 30 Verses to Heal a Mama’s Heart, is available on, Amazon Europe and other online and offline bookstores and retailers. You can find out more at 

Graphic adapted, courtesy of Pixabay.

* An encouraging song to listen to today, "Everlasting God (Strength Will Rise)" by Chris Tomlin.